As years go by and science develops, new food fads and diet phases always come in and out of society. So how do we know what it right for us? What does the research say for each different diet?
Diets are such a harsh word that usually implies some sort of weight loss regime. Diets should become a lifestyle that benefits our bodies. Here at Fully Activated, we strive to give you up to date recommendations and guidelines on what we should or should not eat.
What do we recommend?
Everyone is different and are in different phases of life. So, having a “blanket diet” that covers everyone does not really work. Plus, in Victoria we have so many different cultures that having a cookbook to follow even harder to accommodate. Instead we prefer to educate you on what is good against what is bad, how the body reacts to these things and how to plan an effective strategy to maintain a healthy diet.
Diet is super important in health and wellbeing, but it is only one side of the seesaw. The other side is exercise and this should never be forgotten.